
The AFK is the first and most important exam in the dental equivalency process.
The AFK tests biomedical science and applied clinical science knowledge. A passing grade of a
minimum of 75 is required before you can continue to the other examinations in the Equivalency

The AFK serves a dual purpose; it is an admission requirement for Canadian Degree Completion
Programs and one of the examinations in the Equivalency Process.
For more information please visit the NDEB website (


At passing plan dental we offer a comprehensive 6-month course to ace this exam.
Highlights of the course:
• Topic-based pre-recorded online lectures & quiz discussions
• Topic-based quizzes
• More than 1000 cased-based questions
• Individual study planning and coaching with follow-up
• Up-to-date topic-based Passing Booklets
• 3 Mini mocks (100 questions) with live discussions
• 4 full Mock examinations (200 questinos) with live discussions



1) Medical Emergency in dental office

2) Patient Management

3) Pharmacollogy

4) Periodontics

5) Implants

6) Oral Surgery

7) Local Anesthesia

8) Oral Pathology

9) Prosthodontics (Complete denture & Occlusion, Fixed, Partial, Ceramics/CADCAM)

10) Restorative Dentistry

11) Dental materials

12) Pediatric dentistry

13) Orthodontics

14) Endodontics

15) Radiology

16) Ethics & Epidemiology

17) Basic Science (Head & Neck Anatomy, Dental Morphology, Embryology, Physiology & Pathology)

18) Immunology & Microbiology

19) CPR

20) Infection Control

21) Important Guidelines & Articles




  • FULL PACKAGE (Including lectures, weekly quizzes and discussions, booklets AND 4 Mock exams) :  3000  2700 CAD (Before taxes)



  • Self-Study Passing Booklets: 1000 CAD (Before taxes)
  • Mock Exams (4 mocks and discussions) : 1500 CAD (Before taxes)

List of videos!
